Divers and Scientists West Coast Sweden© is a non-profit organisation that does marine biological research along the Swedish West Coast. We don’t do commercial diving or take on assignment for others.
The goals of the organisation are to do marine research, education, promote scientific diving and to spread research results to the public.
Who are we?
Divers and Scientists West Coast Sweden was started in 2017 by Gert Oxby and Vidar Øresland, Lysekil, who also run the organization with the help of an Advisory Board.
Divers & Scientists have a Boat Driver Group that assists during diving, and a private laboratory with an experimental aquarium facility.

Gert Oxby, Dentist
Roles: UW-photographer and web site/facebook responsible
Mail: gert.oxby@diversandscientists.se
Phone (cell): +46 (0)703-44 28 15
Fb-profile: Gert Oxby

Vidar Øresland, Associate professor, retired from Institute of Marine Research, Lysekil.
Role: Scientific leader and press contact
Mail: vidar.oresland@diversandscientists.se
Phone (cell): +46 (0)767-90 29 08
Phone: +46-(0)523-43093
Fb-profile: Vidar Öresland